Standard Air Packages
5 HP or 15 HP Reciprocating Package Our packaged 5 hp and 15 hp compressors are designed for most climates and weather conditions. Customers benefit from high efficiency, reliable equipment with simple and fast maintenance. These compressors replace instrument gas with clean, dry air used to operate pneumatic valves and controls allowing more efficient and […]
Engineered Air Packages
Reciprocating Packages UEC is a leader in innovative and custom built reciprocating packages to meet any air needs. Our packages can be designed to fit in an existing build or come complete with its own build for all weather applications. Reciprocating packages are perfect for your lower flow applications and can be very inexpensive to […]
Fuel Boosters
Fuel Gas Booster UEC is a market leader in custom fuel gas booster packages. Depending on the application, we utilize both reciprocating and rotary compressors in our design to match operating conditions and maximize efficiency. Where noise and environmental issues are a concern, we offer custom enclosure builds for quieter and weather-proof operations. Our team […]
Natural Gas
Electric Motor Driven (EMD) Gas Compression UEC is an industry leader in engineered-to-order EMD compressor packages for oil & gas producing companies in upstream, midstream, and downstream applications. Our decades-long experience covers a large range of compression from 50 hp to over 6,000 hp. We offer electric motors from all the major OEMs and UEC’s […]
Specialized Equipment
Vapor Recovery In a world of increasing emissions regulations, capturing excess vapor has never been more important. UEC has the technology and expertise to provide a solution for all of your vapor recovery needs. Ro-Flo rotary vane compressors can handle even the dirtiest gas compositions, including sour, wet and acidic applications. Frick and Howden rotary […]